AlumKlean is made to clean stock, painted aluminum, AlumKlean removes black streaks and stains consistent with a naturally occurring process called "aluminum oxidation" or "tiger striping". AlumKlean does not clean and brighten bare aluminum (we are currently formulating a new product to clean "bare" aluminum so please check back if that is what you were looking for).
Aluminum, why doesn't it clean the way every other surface does? Why can't you get it clean? What are the black stripes, black streaks or black stains? And why can't you clean them off?
We were painting our house a couple years ago, the gutters had black streaks on them, I later found out they refer to those streaks on gutters as "tiger striping" anyhow I got some soap and water and tried to clean the gutters, nothing happened so I broke out the pressure washer and started out with 1,000 PSI and again nothing happened so I turned it all the way up to 4,000 PSI and nothing happened, it was still as dirty as the minute I began. I went to the garage and grabbed some TSP, diesel fuel, paint thinner and bleach, I tried them all, nothing happened and I wasted half the day trying, I hate failing but I did that day, I gave in and just painted the gutters. I have heard versions of this same story told from people who all had one thing in common and it was not gutters, it was that they all were trying to clean aluminum. Aluminum on the soffit and fascia, aluminum siding, aluminum pool enclosures, pull behind aluminum trailers, boat pontoons, aluminum/alloy wheels and live in trailers.
So what is it and why can't we clean it? It's a form of electrostatic bonding and the fact that the aluminum is being oxidized or has been oxidized. It's a natural occurrence when aluminum is outside in the elements and it does not take long, new gutters or any new aluminum will start staining in a few short weeks. The only way to clean the aluminum is to break the bond "deoxidize" the aluminum. With the right chemical mixture, the aluminum can be simply wiped clean, pour a little on a rag and the gutter or dirty aluminum wipes perfectly clean. It's amazing!
If you're reading this you probably have lost some serious time and sweat trying to clean some type of aluminum. Purchase AlumKlean and give it a try, you are going to sit back and laugh at how easy the aluminum comes clean.